Title | Authors | Venue/Outlet | Type |
Comparative Analysis of YOLOv9, YOLOv10 and RT-DETR for Real-Time Weed Detection | Ahmet Oguz Saltik, Alicia Allmendinger, Anthony Stein | 9th Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) Workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Enhancing Weed Detection Performance by Means of GenAI-based Image Augmentation | Sourav Modak, Anthony Stein | 9th Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture (CVPPA) Workshop at European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2024 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Detection of Rumex spp. in Grassland using Multispectral Images and Deep Learning | Jonathan Heil, Anthony Stein | 81. International Conference LAND.TECHNIK 2024 | Conference Proceedings |
Establishing resilient AI applications in agriculture by redundancy and graceful degradation: Two use cases | Sebastian Bökle, Marcus Müller, Waldemar Keil, Hans W. Griepentrog, Anthony Stein | AgEng 2024 | Conference Proceedings |
Comparison of Robot Concepts for New Sustainable Crop Production Systems | Hans Werner Griepentrog, Anthony Stein | Smart Agricultural Technology | Journal Article |
Multi-level Personalized Federated Learning: A concept for data sovereign machine learning in digital agriculture | Mortesa Hussaini, Anthony Stein | GI Jahrestagung / Kolloquium Landwirtschaft der Zukunft (to appear) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Synthetic Training Data for Intelligent Weed Control Systems Using Generative AI | Sourav Modak, Anthony Stein | ARCS 2024 / Special Track on Organic Computing (to appear) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Hybrid intelligence for reconciling biodiversity and productivity in agriculture | Thomas Berger, Henner Gimpel, Anthony Stein, et al. | Nature Food | Journal Article |
Adaptive real-time crop row detection through enhancing a traditional computer vision approach | Mortesa Hussaini, Max Voigt, Anthony Stein | GIL Jahrestagung 2024 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
44. GIL-Jahrestagung, Biodiversität fördern durch digitale Landwirtschaft, 27.-28. Februar 2024, Hohenheim, Germany. | Christa Hoffmann, Anthony Stein, Eva Gallman, Jörg Dörr, Christian Krupitzer, Helga Floto (Eds.) | Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2024 | Edited Conference Proceedings Volume |
Pansharpening Low-Altitude Multispectral Images of Potato Plants Using a Generative Adversarial Network | Sourav Modak, Jonathan Heil, Anthony Stein | Remote Sensing | Journal Article |
Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
Federated Learning in Agriculture: Potential and Challenges | Mortesa Hussaini and Anthony Stein | INFORMATIK 2023 - Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Deep Q-Network Updates for the Full Action-Space Utilizing Synthetic Experiences | Wenzel Pilar von Pilchau, David Pätzel, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | 2023 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Unleashing the Potential of Digitalization in the Agri-Food Chain for Integrated Food Systems | Christian Krupitzer and Anthony Stein | Annual Review of Food Science and Technology | Journal Article |
Evolving Processing Pipelines for Industrial Imaging with Cartesian Genetic Programming | Andreas Margraf, Henning Cui, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Modeling the soil-machine response of secondary tillage: A deep learning approach | Jonas Boysen, Lucas Zender, Anthony Stein | Smart Agricultural Technology | Journal Article |
43. GIL-Jahrestagung, Resiliente Agri-Food-Systeme, 13.-14. Februar 2023, Osnabrück, Germany. | Christa Hoffmann, Anthony Stein, Arno Ruckelshausen, Henning Müller, Thilo Steckel, Helga Floto (Eds.) | Lecture Notes in Informatics, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2023 | Edited Conference Proceedings Volume |
Towards crop yield prediction using Automated Machine Learning | Jonathan Heil, Juan Manuel Valencia, Anthony Stein | 43. GIL-Jahrestagung | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Nachhaltige Landwirtschaft mittels Künstlicher Intelligenz - ein plattformbasierter Ansatz für Forschung und Lehre | Sebastian Bosse, ..., Jonathan Heil, Mortesa Hussaini, ..., Anthony Stein | 43. GIL-Jahrestagung | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
Evolutionary Touch Filter Chain Calibration | Daniel Gerber, Lukas Rosenbauer, Pia Lindner, Johannes Maier, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | SN Computer Science | Journal Publication |
A Germinal Center Artificial Immune System for Black Box Test Selection | Lukas Rosenbauer, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | SN Computer Science | Journal Publication |
A context aware and self-improving monitoring system for field vegetables | Nils Lüling, Jonas Boysen, Henning Kuper, Anthony Stein | ARCS 2022 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Semi-Model-Based Reinforcement Learning in Organic Computing Systems | Wenzel Pilar von Pilchau, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | ARCS 2022 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Interpolated Experience Replay for Continuous Environments | Wenzel Pilar von Pilchau, Anthony Stein, Jörg Hähner | IJCCI/NCTA 2022 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
A Learning Classifier System for Automated Test Case Prioritization and Applications | Lukas Rosenbauer, David Pätzel, Anthony Steinm Jörg Hähner | SN Computer Science | Journal Publication |
Mechanisms to Alleviate Over-Generalization in XCS for Continous-Valued Input Spaces | Alexander Wagner, Anthony Stein | SN Computer Science | Journal Publication |
AI-supported Data Annotation in the Context of UAV-based Weed Detection in Sugar Beet Fields using Deep Neural Networks | Jonas Boysen, Anthony Stein | 42. GIL Jahrestagung | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Tackling the rich vehicle routing problem with nature-inspired algorithms | Veronika Lesch, Maximilian König, Samuel Kounev, Anthony Stein, Christian Krupitzer | Applied Intelligence | Journal Publication |
Title | Authors | Venue | Type |
Food Informatics - Review of the Current State-of-the-Art, Revised Definition, and Classification into the Research Landscape | Christian Krupitzer, Anthony Stein | MDPI Foods | Journal Publication |
Reflective Learning Classifier Systems for Self-Adaptive and Self-Organising Agents | Stein, A., | 2021 Workshop on Self-Aware Computing (SeAC) @ 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems (ACSOS) | Conference Proceedings Companion (peer-reviewed) |
Synthetic Experiences for Accelerating DQN Performance in Discrete Non-Deterministic Environments | Pilar von Pilchau, W., Stein. A., Hähner, J. | Algorithms | Journal Publication |
Lifelike Computing Systems | Stein, A., | Lifelike Computing Systems Workshop 2021 @ 2021 Conference on Artificial Life (ALife) | Workshop Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
An Organic Computing System for Automated Testing | Rosenbauer, L., Pätzel, D., Stein, A., Hähner, J. | GI/ITG International Conference on Architecture of Computing Systems (ARCS) 2021 | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
A Genetic Algorithm for HMI Test Infrastructure Fine Tuning | Rosenbauer, L., Stein, A., Hähner, J. | 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control (ICINCO) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
An Evolutionary Calibration Approach for Touch Interface Filter Chains | Rosenbauer, L., Maier, J., Gerber, D., Stein, A., Hähner, J. | 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control (ICINCO) | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Adopting Lexicase Selection for Michigan-Style Learning Classifier Systems with Continuous-Valued Inputs | Wagner, A., Stein, A. | ACM Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference (GECCO) 2021 | Conference Proceedings Companion (peer-reviewed) |
On the Effects of Absumption for XCS with Continuous-Valued Inputs | Wagner, A., Stein, A. | International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoAPPS) as part of evostar* | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
An Artificial Immune System for Black Box Test Case Selection | Rosenbauer, L., Stein, A., Hähner, J. | 21st European Conference on Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation (EvoCOP) as part of evostar* | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |
Transfer Learning for Automated Test Case Prioritization using XCSF | Rosenbauer, L., Pätzel, D., Stein, A., Hähner, J. | International Conference on the Applications of Evolutionary Computation (EvoAPPS) as part of evostar* | Conference Proceedings (peer-reviewed) |